Artichoke Risotto

Risotto ai carciofi (Pan or short pot)

Servings: 4

  • 300 g, or 11 oz, or 1 1/2 cups + tbsp rice
  • 6 globe artichokes
  • 40 g, or 1 1/2 oz, or 3 tbsp butter
  • 200 g or 7 oz boiled, unsmoked ham
  • 1 onion
  • 1 lemon
  • Parmesan cheese
  • raisin wine
  • parsley



Trim the artichokes, discarding the tough leaves, and cut into thin wedges. Place in a bowl with water and lemon.

Chop up the onion and sauté slowly in the butter with the ham in strips. Add the artichokes, brown for 10 minutes, then add the rice and a glass of raisin wine.

Stirring with a wooden spoon, cook the rice over medium heat. Begin adding the boiling water (about three quarters of a litre, or 1 1/2 pints, or 3 1/3 cups).

When the cooking is finalised (20/30 minutes), season with salt and pepper and, at the moment of serving, beat the rice, pouring in a handful of parsley and lots of grated Parmesan cheese.